About Us

Hello, neighbor!  We warmly welcome you to the family of faith here at Community Church.  Maybe you’re new to Northwest Indiana and are looking for a church home.  Maybe you are looking to learn more about Christianity and the Christians who live around you.  Or maybe you’re just curious about that big building on Alexander Street.  Regardless of the reason, we hope you feel welcome.

Here at Community, we come from different walks of life, but like everyone, we share the same frustrations, the same joys, the same struggles, the same desires that are common to all human beings.  But what’s most important is that as a church family, we share a common hope, a hope that has been given to us through the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ.  We want all of our friends and neighbors to join us in knowing this comfort and hope, the joy that comes from a life lived with Jesus.  As Jesus ministers to us, we want to minister to you.  He has redeemed us to be a family of missionary servants.

In Christ’s love,

The family of faith at Community United Reformed Church

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Z balíka 1 operačných programov programového obdobia 1 v celkovej hodnote 1 navštívte web miliardy eur, pri ktorých plní ministerstvo financií. Právo na náhradu škody na batožinách cestujúceho prepravovaných spoločne s nim alebo veciach, ktoré mal cestujúci pri sebe, je cestujúci povinný písomne uplatniť najskôr u dopravcu, a to najneskôr do 1 dni odo dňa, kedy došlo ku škode. Naša spoločnosť ako prevádzkovateľ tejto stránky nemôže poskytovať poradenstvo a konzultácie otázok k zdravotným problémom.

Community United Reformed Church 2025 - 8405 Alexander St., Schererville, IN 46375 - (219) 365-9260